Let's talk about the weather.

I woke up this morning and there were a ton of leaves on my front lawn. Between my parents visiting two weeks ago, the start of a new job under two weeks ago, a girl's weekend in Madison last weekend and the Jewish holiday kick off this week, I don't think I stopped to officially acknowledge that it's actually fall. Until, today. Usually, I am a total nerd with my calendar in front of me stating "It's the first day of fall. It's September 21st." But, this year I kind of missed the official change of season ritual. Let me restate. It's not that I missed it. My kids have been wearing sweatshirts and fleeces. I have worn my down vest and raincoat. But, for the first time I actually wasn't paying attention to the date. This is highly unusual for a weather centric person like myself.

So, today I have been trying to figure out when it actually became fall. Four weeks ago I was at the pool in a bathing suit enjoying long, gorgeous summer nights. Two weeks ago it was 80 degrees outside, and my kids were wearing shorts. Today my car said it was 53. And, I was actually cold. It came out of nowhere. If October follows it's typical pattern it will likely get warm again in the next few weeks and then I (along with the rest of the world) will have a cold on and off until March. 

I guess it's not fall that has me obsessing over the weather. It's what comes next that I am not even close to prepared for. As I let my dogs out this morning in a tank top and sweatpants with bare feet I realized in two months-I won't be able to just run outside half clothed. It'll be cold. It'll be the end of fall. It'll be really close to winter.

As a native Californian (yet I have lived in the Midwest over half my life) I still haven't officially adjusted to winter. In college it actually didn't bother me. I was young and drunk. But, as I have gotten older (just like my mom warned me), it has started to bother me more and more. Winter. It gets dark at 4:30. It's cold. It's hard to drive in the snow even with 4 wheel drive. It's messy. Why do I live here? I ask myself every year in January...when it's like -20 degrees outside...and it feels like eternity. February is a short month. Thankfully. And, when there are only 28 days in February, I am especially thankful. Then March comes, and I feel like it's going to be okay. I look forward to March 1st. The days are longer. You can maybe get away with not wearing a coat 5/30 days of the month. You see and hear birds again. Maybe spot a flock migrating back home. It's kind of a weird way to live life, but if I can get through January and February, I can do anything.

The weather is a strange thing. Some people here (like me) like to complain about it. A lot. And, there are those who aren't phased by it. My mother-in-law, for example, prefers it cold over hot. This is how life has always been for many of my Midwest pals, and for the transplants who came from warmer climates I know that we all share the same feelings. I often question how a place that has gorgeous lush green summers can turn into a snowy kingdom. And, I've convinced myself that the only reason why I can now survive winter is because of my Bogs (boots that go to -40 degrees).

Interestingly enough, my kids are divided on the topic of weather also. My son loves winter. He says he can't wait for the snow. He loves sledding. He loves building snow forts. He's a true Midwest boy. My daughter, on the other hand, states that she kind of likes winter. She really doesn't like being cold. Sadly, I know she's been negatively influenced by me. My dogs love it. But, they have fur coats. 

There are only 263 days until June 21st. The longest day of the year and the official first day of summer.


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