Am I living in an episode of Black Mirror?

Let’s face it.

There have been good days and bad. Nothing defines what it will or won’t be when I wake up.

It just is all weird.

Half of the US is seemingly business as usual. The other half...the one I am living in....not.
Grocery shopping with a mask is weird.
The fact that I haven’t been to a restaurant since the BEGINNING of March is weird.
Haven’t been to my office since March 13. Weird.
Can’t or don’t want to fly anywhere. Weird.
Should be packing camp duffles and running around doing fun camp errands.....We aren’t.

It. Is. All. So. Weird.

And, blank.

And, I feel uncomfortable. Like I wake up and still can’t believe it. Groundhog Day.

I think to myself,

 “Will life ever be normal again? Will people act how they used to in grocery stores? Not standing 6 feet apart? Afraid? Will there be live music in an open air stadium or arena? When will restaurants be packed with banter and pleasantries as a regular thing to do? When will we be a mask-less society? When will running a mundane errand not be the TOTAL excitement of my day...When will I sit in a conference room again? Present in front of real live people? Walk the halls like a boss (just kidding but it sounded awesome when I wrote it)?

This is how my brain works. So, yeah. Normal. What is normal?

One day in the future will we look back and say.....“That was INSANE!? How did we live this?” There will be books and movies and articles trying to capture this royally fucked up pandemic. It’s like we are all living in a real episode of Black Mirror. And, I know you all feel it too.

For every glimpse of normal there are three jabs of weird.

Look, I am having a moment. Or, a day. Or, a week. Or, a month, or a quarter....and, when I said to my coworkers see you next year (in March) as a flippant joke....I didn’t really think that this was a potential reality. Now, 2021 is 6 months from now, and the ridiculously insane idea of not being at work until maybe January doesn’t seem so extreme.


Tomorrow is new day blended in with 90+ other days that basically have felt the same since this all started. At least it isn’t snowing, but in the Midwest you just never really know.....



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