
Written in February 2017.

Publishing now:

As my 10 year old daughter inches her way closer to age 11, I can't help but think that I was just a few months older than she is today when I got my period. And, I am happy to report it's a different world in 2017 than it was in 1983. Devastating in that glimpse of a moment would be an understatement as I woke up on May 7th of 1983 to my new monthly visitor which was visibly my period as I peered into the pink ceramic toilet. I was only 10! I was about to turn 11 in July.

I hid tampons and pads in my Members Only jacket. I was absolutely horrified. Nobody could know this. So embarrassing. Only my mom. Sleepovers became a challenge in that I had to hide my "products" deep in my overnight bag. Bottom line-it totally sucked. And, I am still scared by the memories of 6th grade bathroom horror stories.

So, as a mom we are approaching this very differently. I hope with the organic milk and the lack of Vitamin D in the winters, my little one won't be the same early bloomer as I was. If I had to pick the time to get a period-I would say 12-13 would be more ideal than 10. But, we don't get to pick and life happens. So, we talk about it. A lot.

As my daughter has gotten older we have talked about periods a lot. What it feels like. What you do when it happens. How it's NOT embarrassing no matter what age. And, when she's an older teenager and then adult like me-it will become one of the most open conversations you have with your friends.

But, equal to educating my daughter about her future menstrual cycle, I have often thought about a period and the significance that it has for a woman as she navigates through her life. It becomes a right of passage. It becomes the gateway to having children. And, follows us through life until it's is no longer needed in menopause.

I am not in menopause, yet. I am about to hit 44, and I am hopeful that I still have some time to be where I am not. My period and I are like old friends. We have a groove. It keeps my body in check. I understand why I feel certain ways at certain times. I guess I am not sure if I am more anxious about not getting my period (which means I am entering yet another stage in my adult life) OR helping my daughter navigate through the hormones, cramps, moods and all the other fun stuff that compliments a period.

In the meantime, I am in a good space and celebrating being a woman and raising a young woman.


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