Facebook Break

It's been 6 years since I jumped on the bandwagon of Facebook. January 2008. I first went on because my British camp friends told me about it after I wrote them a "Hi How Are You?" email.  The beginning was really fun. Seeing people grow from 5th grade to 34. It was fun connecting......And, I believe a lot of great things have come from it....reconnecting with old friends. The ability to see my friends' kids grow up from babies to toddles to children. The ability to post my photos so that my friends can see my kids and dogs...my exposed life. Facebook birthdays are fun too, but keeping up with them is hard also!

I believe it is now time for me to take a break. I woke up today feeling blue. For a variety of reasons. Endless snow. My husband's grandma died Monday at 92 only two days after we visited with her. I am grateful that we had that visit, but I feel sad that she died. She was 92, and that's amazing. But, she was alive. And, now she's not. That kind of stuff upsets me. I am working today after being off for a week...looking ahead to my 2014 sales goals. Standing at the bottom of that mountain isn't always fun. My kids are going looney tunes (weather, boredom), and if I hear the word MINECRAFT again I might become the exorcist. Don't get me wrong-I love my kids, but things are just bothering me today....I love this time (break) with them....but I think we are all kind of ready to switch it up a bit. Hence they are now playout OUTSIDE in the snow. And, when I got on Facebook about 30 minutes ago.....what ultimately ended up happening is that I got more down. It made my mood get worse. For no particular reason...it just did.

There are a variety of reasons why I am pausing, and I am not going to bash Facebook. If anything or anyone deserves to be bashed-it's me for spending this time with Social Media. I just need a mental break and pause. I am going to use that screen time to read, create Shutterfly photo albums, play Words With Friends, blog more and get back to the basics. Because ultimately, I will be back. Especially for work it's now become a necessary evil.

But, the true, true reality of the situation is that Facebook has consumed too much of my time and mental space. It's fun for a lot of reasons, but it's not fun for other reasons. There have been studies done on this. How people are actually getting depressed from FACEBOOK! And, my problem is that I am black and white. I can't do anything in the middle. I try, but I don't succeed.

I figure those who want to see my life in pictures can find me on Instagram. I use Twitter about 110 times more than I use Facebook for connecting and work prospecting. I have two separate Twitter handles. And, there's also text, phone and email if you need to reach me. So, I am totally findable to those who want to find me. And, I am okay with that.

So, I wish all my FB friends a HAPPY and HEALTHY 2014. I am sure that I will be back in about a month or so. But, I think that a break is good and necessary. Especially at the beginning of a New Year.



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