Last year I posted a list of the things that I wanted to accomplish by the time I turned 40. I have to say that my over-thinking and equally dramatic build up to this number.... might be actually softening the blow.

However, I will be honest when I say that I am exiting my 30s with a conscious over indulgent explosion of celebration...from a girls weekend in Mexico, several special nights out planned with my husband (yay Book of Mormon finally), my parents coming in for the "actual" event of 40 and some other celebrations with girlfriends.

I haven't looked at this list all year. I have decided now with less than 2 weeks to go, I can check in and see where I fell.

Accept change-I was better at this than I thought I would be. There's been a lot of change this year. I have dealt with it the best I can.
Be the best mom I can-My kids seem to like me, so I think I am doing okay. Then again, it depends on the day. Especially when you have a daughter...
Be the best daughter I can-I try. I have learned that you can't make everyone happy all the time. Including my parents. It's a hard fact, and I have really eased up on myself on this one. Sometimes you have to do what's best for you and not your parents (sorry mom and dad) because you only get one life and it's yours...not theirs.
Be the best friend I can-I feel that I have. In a challenging past year I feel that I gave as much as I could.
Be the best dog-owner I can- Definitely. Although I know Stanley is mad I don't let him on the bed (new comforter)
Donate money to good causes when I can-Yes
Donate clothing to charity-Yes
Help a friend or a stranger in need-Yes
Eat healthy-This has been a big one. In January I did some food restructuring and started a program called Isagenix. It's been a really positive force in my life.
Maintain or lose weight-Yes. Due to the Isagenix I have lost about 14-17 lbs. depending on the day and time of month. I have gone up and down a bit, but overall I can say that I am the lowest weight that I have been since 2011. And, that feels good.
Enjoy wine-I don't really drink wine because of Isagenix. But, I have created a real skinny margarita. Good tequila mixed with fresh lime juice. Or, Vodka and Soda. Trying to keep it "clean" when I do have a cocktail (and I am not in Mexico).
Enjoy good food (notice that comes after the maintain or lose weight part). I have learned to do some great things with vegetables this year. I haven't had more than one steak since January, and I look forward to having a nice fillet on my actual 40th.
Enjoy the company of friends and family-Yes
Enjoy the company of myself-A lot. I have found that I like being alone probably more than I should. I think it's an only child thing. Or, maybe it's a "I am constantly running a marathon every day thing." But, when I have a chance to be alone (I don't mean when I am working)...I do really appreciate myself and the ability to enjoy my time.
Enjoy the company of my children-They are awesome. But, we all have our days
Make room for new friends-I haven't been great in this area. I am lucky to have a lot of friends. Many good ones. Some even closer. And, I haven't really over-extended myself like I normally do to make new friends. It's been a busy year...working full-time, running my kids around etc. I am sad I didn't accomplish this, but I am thankful that I have good, true existing friends.
Continue to cherish old friends-10000%. They are like family. 
Accept it when a friendship dissolves for good reason-This I suck at. I have a problem. I want everyone to like me. And, the reality is that that's not real life. I feel like some close friendships of 2011/2012 aren't as close as I had hoped. Sometimes, there's nothing that you can do to make it better. But, the truth is that at this point in my life-I don't have time for bullshit or dead weight or toxic friends. And, I ABSOLUTELY need to be better about letting things go. I really do try to be available for my friends in the best way possible. And, if they aren't receptive to it, then I need to accept it and realize it's their issue. Not mine. That being said, I think that this will always be a work in progress for me.
Exercise-Next please. Honestly, I am shocked and disappointed with myself that I haven't worked out in so, so long. I was a HUGE and DEDICATED work out person. I have let it go. It's terrible. I am now one of those people who are intimidated to get back in. I also think that the two decades of constant pressure to exercise created burn out. I would rather drive my kids' carpools then take an hour out of my day to work out. But, my husband and I are trying to figure out when we can get into yoga. And, I will try to integrate that into my week. Not only is it good for vanity, but mentally I think it's important to have that release. It's on my 41 list for sure!
Swear less-Shit. I think I really fucked this one up.Oops...
Don't be so weather focus-ed-Yes! Success! I embraced winter. I really got into the hibernation thing. Words with friends was a biggie. I watched a ton of TV (not so good) and got addicted to Pinterest. And, now that it's summer I am trying not to obsess when I am stuck inside working and it feels like the rest of the world is at the pool. It's okay to miss a day. Life won't implode.
Read more books-I was better. Love my Kindle and Goodreads.
Filter out BAD TV-except one "stupid" show-I gave up my version of crappy TV. All of it. I don't have time. And, the little time that I do have-I want to take something from it. In exchange I picked up some serious TV: Homeland, Shameless, Dexter, Breaking Bad and Friday Night Lights took me through July 2012-July 2013. In my opinion all good, quality TV.
When I watch TV, watch only good-quality T-See above. Unfortunately, I watched too much of it.
Be compassionate-I think I am. I try to put myself in other people's shoes.
Try to be less sensitive (thicker skin not being sensitive to others)-Failed at this one. There's always 41.
Be more patient and tolerant- Definitely a hard one for me. I have to do a lot of counting. And, I have to think before I react. That being said I did OK, but I can always be better. Still a focus for 41.
Listen to new music-It wasn't my biggest music year. I think I was too busy watching TV! I love music, and I Shazam every song I like, but I haven't been that great about adding to my collection.
Listen less to old music that brings me down-yes
Tell my kids that I love them every day-yes
Put my laundry away more regularly-Next one, please.
Win Rookie of the year for The Bump-Accomplished!! Plus, another top honors sales award!
Hit my sales weekly and cover goals-Accomplished!
Maintain important relationships by seeing friends more often-Wasn't as good in the winter. Try to see people when I can. Weeknights are hard. Weekends are packed. I feel like everyone I know is in the same position. I am really trying to put less social pressure on myself and just be available to my kids.
Be a good listener-Can you repeat that? Just kidding. I think that I listen. I am horrible about listening to Minecraft discussion (sorry kids). But, other than that I think I am "ok". As a matter of fact I was visiting with one of my oldest and dearest friends recently. We were standing on the street talking. And, she said to me as she got chocked up...."you really listen to me." And, I said "of course I do...!" That made me feel good. Thank you, friend, you know who you are.
Be less judgmental-I'm Jewish. It's in the blood.
Criticize myself less-No
Be open-minded-Yes
Go to the city (as in the city of Chicago) whenever possible-Better sometimes than other times.
Visit somewhere new this year-Ireland!

 So, that's it. I need to keep looking at this list each year adding new things (see future blog that isn't written yet because I still have 2 weeks!). Life doesn't stop at 40. I still better have 60 good ones in front of me!


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