Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. I was born on Friday, July 13, 1973. And, while some people won't work on the 13th floor of a high rise.... or sit in the 13th aisle of an airplane...I look at 13 as my lucky number. Tomorrow marks my 39th birthday. The last year of my 30s. It does not seem possible. Where did 30-38 go? Why do the days go slowly and the years go fast?

Fortunately or unfortunately (depends on how you look at it), I am a goal-oriented person. I sell advertising, and I am constantly surrounded by the word "goal". It is amazing to me how much I want to hit my goal or surpass my goal. It's just how I am programmed.

But, lately I have lost sight of personal goals. Life gets busy. So, I have decided to put a list together as I enter my 39th year, and see where I land in 366 days. I would I really would like to enter 40 gracefully as a woman should. And, I keep telling myself that 40 is the new 30. Right? I know that have to keep focused on what is important. And, what isn't. What matters. And, what doesn't. One of my very best friends has an expression that is, "Everything else is noise". And, she's right.

I am not saying that I don't already do the things on this list, but I want to either continue doing those things or get better at doing those things. So, here's my list. My personal goals for the next 366 days. Enjoy:

Accept change
Be the best mom I can
Be the best daughter I can
Be the best friend I can
Be the best dog-owner I can
Donate money to good causes when I can
Donate clothing to charity
Help a friend or a stranger in need
Eat healthy
Maintain or lose weight
Enjoy wine
Enjoy good food (notice that comes after the maintain or lose weight part)
Enjoy the company of friends and family
Enjoy the company of myself
Enjoy the company of my children
Make room for new friends
Continue to cherish old friends
Accept it when a friendship dissolves for good reason
Swear less
Don't be so weather focus-ed
Read more books
Filter out BAD TV-except one "stupid" show (sorry Gossip Girl but I might need to pick 90210 as my only guilty pleasure)
When I watch TV, watch only good-quality TV
Be compassionate
Try to be less sensitive (thicker skin not being sensitive to others)
Be more patient and tolerant
Listen to new music
Listen less to old music that brings me down
Tell my kids that I love them every day
Put my laundry away more regularly
Win Rookie of the year for The Bump
Hit my sales weekly and cover goals
Maintain important relationships by seeing friends more often
Be a good listener
Be less judgemental
Criticize myself less
Be open-minded
Go to the city (as in the city of Chicago) whenever possible
Visit somewhere new this year



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