Bread and Butter

I didn't used to be superstitious. Or, at least I don't remember being superstitious when I was a kid. But, as my years have progressed, so have my superstitions. I've kind of collected them over the years. Some of them I don't even think about. I silently carry them with me. And, some of them I think about almost every day. I was talking to a friend recently, who isn't superstitions, and he asked me how my belief in superstition would rub off on my children or on parenting? I had never thought about it, really. I thought it was a good question.

It all kind of started when I was a freshman in college. I was walking through the crowded streets of Madison the first week of school with my best friend who is really, really superstitions. Out of nowhere, or what I thought was out of nowhere, she says, "Bread and butter." I looked at her like she was nuts. She had proceeded to tell me that we had been split up between a lamppost, and when two friends get split apart you're supposed to say out loud "Bread and butter." This way, you won't be separated in your life as friends. From that point on, I can't remember a time that I won't say "Bread and butter" when I am walking with a friend (or my kids) and we split up. I am not sure if I have explained this one to my kids. But, I'm pretty sure that if they haven't picked up on it, eventually they are going to wonder why I say "Bread and butter" occasionally when we are walking.

I set my alarm clock to 7:13. That's my birthday. I feel like it will be a good day if I wake up at 7:13. Clearly, this always isn't the case because some days are good and some days aren't. But, regardless, every night I set my alarm to 7:13. And, if I need to get up earlier, I'd ideally like there to be a 3 in the time. I also like 7:31(31 is the reverse of 13) if I am able to sleep in a little. I don't have my kids hooked on a specific alarm clock time yet. I feel like this is something that will just happen on its own, if it happens at all. 

One of the superstitions that have rubbed off on my kids now happens when we board a plane. I always get on the plane with my right foot first. Always. My son also does it now. And, just recently my 5 1/2 year old daughter did too. I also kiss my right hand and touch the plane when I get on. I am not that obvious when I do it. I just do it. So, I'm not sure if they will figure that one out either. Regardless, they now get on the plane right foot first.

A few nights ago I was getting ready for a party. I was holding up a small mirror that I use to see the back of my hair. It slipped out of my hands and shattered all over the floor. I went into minor panic (bad luck), and then my 5 1/2 year old came in the bathroom. I didn't go into the whole thing with her because I didn't want to totally freak her out. But, I am not really all that big of a fan of breaking a mirror. Is anybody? Or, are there people out there who don't care? I care. Probably too much.

I would say that 11:11 is my biggest daily one. I try to catch 11:11 twice a day. And, when I do, I make a wish. I'm not usually with my kids at 11:11, unless it's a weekend. And, if I happen to catch 11:11 I will usually say, "It's 11:11. Make a wish." I know they have heard that one. I wonder if they just sit there and roll their eyes. I am too busy wishing to pay attention, but maybe I should next time.

Touching wood. I do this a lot. If I say something that I don't want to happen or is glad that didn't happen, I say, "touch wood." and then actually touch wood (or my head if no wood is available).

A few others:

*I never give a knife to someone without including a penny with it. You don't want to sever the relationship.

*Fingers crossed when you are hoping for something important or good to happen or for something to work out. 

*Make a wish if you are wearing a necklace, the clasp falls in front, and you need to turn it around.

These are rituals that I naturally integrate into my every day living. I am confident that many people do the same. I don't think it has a direct tie to parenting, but I do know that these things get passed on from generation to generation. I think it'll be interesting to see what my kids take along with them and what they decide to skip over. In the meantime, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all turns out okay.


  1. My wife and her family subscribe to myriad superstitions. I think they are all pretty ridiculous, but then again my luck isn't that great so what do I know?

    JJ – The Dude of the House
    Twitter: @DudeOfTheHouse

    Check out my new blog post: All I Want for Christmas is Jews.

  2. I don't toast with water, either. My friend pointed that one out......


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