
I never thought I would call myself old fashioned. But, I think I am on the topic of activities and homework. I believe that today's kids have too much on their plates. Last spring I saw the documentary-Race to Nowhere that addressed the overload of homework and pressure, and I feel like we are just at the beginning. I only have a 3rd grader and a Kindergartener.

I have tried my hardest to not over schedule my kids. My daughter wanted to do dance, gymnastics AND soccer. I told her she had to pick two. So, she picked gymnastics and dance. She has nothing after school on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I think that's reasonable. I do need to add Sunday school to her plate of commitments. My son wanted to play soccer and hockey (house not travel). After doing the house sports of basketball and baseball paralleled with house hockey last year, I made him pick one. He picked hockey. Not soccer. Okay. Hockey is Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes Friday night. He also has an optional clinic that he can attend on a Tuesday. He also has Sunday school. So, on Sundays he usually will go to hockey at 8am and then go to Sunday School. Kind of sucks. And, starting next week, he'll have Hebrew school on Thursday nights. I have kept him open Monday, Tuesday (unless we do the optional clinic), Wednesday and Friday. By today's standards that's probably unheard of. But, I know how heavy his weekends are. He's open to do nothing except come home and rest and do homework. Open to have playdates (which are less and less as the years unfold because everyone else is so busy!). Open to be a kid. On top of this he decided his dream is to play cello.  So, now he will have cello practice and homework every night. He has willingly joined the 3rd grade orchestra. In my opinion, it's a lot. And, I really, really tried to under commit him. I haven't even touched on the homework topic. That's next.

This will be my last year of one child having homework. Next year, my daughter will be in 1st grade and my son will be in 4th grade and that'll be that. But, I digress here. It took me three reads to understand all of the steps and assignments for his weekly spelling commitment. While I don't claim to be a genius, I am educated and decently smart. The directions are confusing. Even the teacher sent an email to the class apologizing because it's confusing. It's kind of crazy. I think. My son needs to read 20 minutes a night. This is actually 10 minutes less than last year, but now he actually likes reading, so it's not a stretch. But, then he's got math. And, the spelling (which I still have to decipher and crack the code). And, there's an enrichment packet. It's optional. I don't even think it's an option here at the Kutnick house. I just don't think it's going to happen.

I've heard a rumor that 3rd grade Hebrew school gives homework also. I really, really hope that's not the case. Frankly I don't remember 3rd grade being this complex. I had a yearly big project which was very challenging, but not this. I am really not looking forward to when he's in 7th grade and my daughter's in 4th grade.

So, I am the one who's in the minority these days. People seem to be signing their kids up for 3 or 4 different things. And, they seem perfectly relaxed and happy about it. I think it's hard. And, just like everything else right now...it's overload. What am I missing? Do kids go to bed at 10 instead of 8 or 8:30? Pray tell.


  1. Hi Kim, :)

    I agree with you!
    I keep telling myself and the kids that they'll turn out okay no matter what. It happened to all of us. Everyone we know from high school is doing well now. It's the natural progression life to... start at the bottom and work your way up and replace whoever else was there and just got old... unfortunately...

    Anyway, it also seems like every time the kids need to do a project, they are really practicing for being good parents who will some day try to figure out their own kids' spelling instructions.

    :) Big HeartMark for you! :)
    Tali :)
    (inventor of the heart hand gesture since 1995)


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