There are no easy choices

I have been told over the years that I think too much, that I worry too much. This can be a good and a bad quality. As a teenager and in college, I think it was good. I would think, discuss, have really deep conversations and soul search. But, now as an adult with two kids, I almost want to push a button and turn off 'the think'.

In June I made a very big decision, one that I struggled with for many years. I left my job. The first three months I enjoyed the honeymoon stage of everything being perfect and wonderful. It was summer. The weather was nice. Everyone in my family was happy. The pool was open. I wasn't over thinking it. Then fall came and school started, along with it the real job of being an at-home mom. Before long, winter set in. The days feel long and cold and the gray sky really starts getting to me. I promised myself I would try to embrace my inner winter. But, it's a true struggle for this native Californian girl.

Many days I really like being home - even in the winter. I am so glad to pick up my daughter at preschool every day and I am happy to be home when my son gets off the bus. I'm helping my son academically because I can now focus on working with him on homework. I am definitely less frazzled on a daily basis and I've even spent more time with my dogs. One of my favorite things to do is to take them to the nearby 44-acre dog park where they run and play and, I can, well, think!

There are many reasons why I am glad to be at home, but there are other reasons I am not. I have less time to talk on the phone without the nearly two-hour round-trip commute to work and back. Often I would talk to my mom, and I know that both of us miss the talk time. I spend less time to be with adults (seems like I spend most of my time with those who are 8 and under and K-9). I feel less social lately. On the plus side, I do have more time to do errands. I never got things done when I worked. I just got used to running out of milk. I was always running behind. But a part of me actually likes taking on too much. Right now, I am not challenged in that way. I have time to pause. Yet, I have a hard time finding time to take a shower at a normal time. Often I will just stay in my workout clothes all day. I try to make dinner almost every night. I am less forgetful.

Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, I have more time to think.
Just today, as I was talking to a friend on the phone, I had an a-ha moment: No matter where you are or what you are doing, there are going to be good days and bad days. No matter if I worked or didn't work, I would be struggling with the grayness of winter. I always get down this time of the year. Regardless of where I am, I would still have hard decisions to make about being a parent. I had lonely days when I was working. I have lonely days now. I also have to stop looking back (I've got a big problem with this), stop looking so far forward (another problem), and look to the now.

To be in this moment.

I am convinced that there are no easy choices for the 2011 mom. Working. Not working. They are both challenging in EXTREMELY different ways. I can say now that I have done both, and nothing comes without a price. I have friends who are miserable working and friends who are miserable staying home. I have friends who couldn't imagine staying at home. I have friends who can't even fathom working outside the home. I am stuck somewhere in the middle of it all, and I'm just trying to figure out if the grass is always greener on the other side.

I guess I am going to have to think about it some more.


  1. I love you Tucker D. Couldn't have said it any better myself. Xoxo. lb

  2. No easy choices but how wonderful that there are choices to be had. You are not alone. Yoga is my recommendation. Helps clear my mind. I look forward to reading your blog. You are brave! xo, Tamar


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