Last year I posted a list of the things that I wanted to accomplish by the time I turned 40. I have to say that my over-thinking and equally dramatic build up to this number.... might be actually softening the blow. However, I will be honest when I say that I am exiting my 30s with a conscious over indulgent explosion of celebration...from a girls weekend in Mexico, several special nights out planned with my husband (yay Book of Mormon finally), my parents coming in for the "actual" event of 40 and some other celebrations with girlfriends. I haven't looked at this list all year. I have decided now with less than 2 weeks to go, I can check in and see where I fell. Accept change-I was better at this than I thought I would be. There's been a lot of change this year. I have dealt with it the best I can. Be the best mom I can-My kids seem to like me, so I think I am doing okay. Then again, it depends on the day. Especially when you have a daughter......