
Showing posts from February, 2011

Being Connected

I have to be connected somehow, in some way, to the outside world. E-mail. Text. Facebook. Twitter. When I started my job at Chicago Parent in January 2005 as an area sales manager, I purchased my first BlackBerry. It was a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I could sit anywhere and get my e-mails. A curse because I could sit anywhere and get my e-mails. Before long, texting came into my world, as did Facebook. I felt the need to be reachable when I was selling advertising. Someone always needed me and it was important for me to be able to connect instantly with potential clients. But, right now, I am not selling advertising. I am home with my kids. And, truthfully, there's really not that much sense of urgency in needing to check in. But I am addicted. I AM trying to be better. I've started leaving my phone in the car when I go to the store. When I exercise, the phone goes in the locker for an hour. When I am at either of my kids' schools, the phone is turned of...

There are no easy choices

I have been told over the years that I think too much, that I worry too much. This can be a good and a bad quality. As a teenager and in college, I think it was good. I would think, discuss, have really deep conversations and soul search. But, now as an adult with two kids, I almost want to push a button and turn off 'the think'. In June I made a very big decision, one that I struggled with for many years. I left my job. The first three months I enjoyed the honeymoon stage of everything being perfect and wonderful. It was summer. The weather was nice. Everyone in my family was happy. The pool was open. I wasn't over thinking it. Then fall came and school started, along with it the real job of being an at-home mom. Before long, winter set in. The days feel long and cold and the gray sky really starts getting to me. I promised myself I would try to embrace my inner winter. But, it's a true struggle for this native Californian girl. Many days I really like being home -...