I hate making dinner.
I was just sitting here at the kitchen table doing some work. Thinking about the fact that it's almost 7:00pm, and I haven't started dinner. After years and years and years of beating myself up, I think I have finally come to terms with the fact that I loathe figuring out dinner. And, I loathe making it even more. It's not that I don't like to cook. I do. Give me an unlimited budget and unlimited time. Or, a holiday and I will have at it with pure joy and skill. But, on your average Wednesday night....after a long day at work...all I want to do is NOT make dinner. All I want to do is NOTHING. And, 12 1/2+ years ago, that would have been fine. Skip making dinner. Let's eat cereal. Except that now I have this job called "mom", and part of this job is feeding my children with good nutrition and calcium so that they will grow. I am a planner in life. I am a total type A. I've been planning my son's Bar Mitzvah for a long time, and it's still...