My Bat Mitzvah
It's February 3, 2014. Here I am. 40 1/2 years old. Mother of two. Wife. Daughter. Friend. Account Executive. Membership Director at the local swim club. If you look at my life, all of these things define me. My role in this world right now. They are all good things. But, just as many middle aged, women find...sometimes it's just not enough when you are giving so much of yourself to the world around you and so very little to yourself. I drop my kids off at Sunday school. I carpool to Hebrew School for my 5th grader. He goes every Tuesday evening begrudgingly. I consistently attend services for the High Holy Days since we've joined our temple. I started going in college. And, when I moved to Chicago I continued to go with the exception of when my son was an infant. I celebrate Passover. I understand that I am Jewish. I was born to two Jewish parents. And, they too, were born to two Jewish parents. My parents didn't have temple affiliation. And, I never went through ...